Red Gate Sql Data Compare

Red Gate Sql Data Compare Average ratng: 3,5/5 4283 reviews

I have been using SQL Compare by Redgate at my company and was very satisfied with it. Are there any free comparison tools that are similar? Or what would be my best shot for synchronizing two SQL db's without a paid application


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8 Answers

I’ve gone through this and couldn’t find anything comparable, free or otherwise. $395 is a very small price to pay for the value the tool brings and it will almost certainly pay for itself very quickly in productivity gains and risk minimisation.

Troy HuntTroy Hunt

I had the same problem and wanted a free GUI base Schema comparer tool, what I found wasStar Inix ( Obviously not as good as Redgates offering, but it does the job.

Also, with Redgate Sql Compare, once the trial period is over, if you enter the key as 'i need more time' (without the quotes) you can extend the trial by a further 14 days.

Jaimal ChohanJaimal Chohan

Visual Studio (Premium & above I guess) has this feature built-in under the SQL menu.


Very similar to RedGate's SQL Compare and free.


You can try using TableDiff , that came with SQL Server 2005.



Have a look at Mighty Comparer. It's currently free. A professional version is under development.

Cristian BCristian B

I normally go for the hackish but surprisingly effective technique of downloading the sys_information tables to text files and diffing them with your favorite diff program (this way will even let you compare 3 schemas!).

David RaznickDavid Raznick

You can use Database Comparer

Database Comparer is free for non-commercial use.

Hugues Van LandeghemHugues Van Landeghem

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Possible Duplicate:
Free Tool to compare Sql Server tables

I would like to compare two SQL Server databases including schema (table structure) and data in tables too. What is best tool to do this?

Tomasz SmykowskiTomasz Smykowski

marked as duplicate by John Palmer, stusmith, Praveen Kumar Purushothaman, C.Evenhuis, user13673Nov 29 '12 at 0:55

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

15 Answers

I am using Red-Gate's software:

Download video melahirkan anak kembar

Joakim BackmanJoakim Backman

I use schema and data comparison functionality built into the latest version Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition (Free) or Professional / Premium / Ultimate edition. Works like a charm!

Red-Gate's SQL data comparison tool is my second alternative:


Konstantin TarkusKonstantin Tarkus

I like Open DBDiff.Updated Open DBDiff Link

It's not the most complete tool, but it works great and it's free. And it's very easy to use.


SQL Admin Studio from is now free, lets you manage your SQL Database, SQL Compare and Synchronise, Data Compare and Synchronise and much more. Also supports SQL Azure and some MySQL Support too.

[UPDATE: Yes I am the Author of the above program, as it's now Free I just wanted to Share it with the community]

Sean CleaverSean Cleaver

I'm partial to AdeptSQL. It's clean and intuitive and it DOESN'T have the one feature that scares the hell out of me on a lot of similar programs. One giant button that it you push it will automatically synchronize EVERYTHING without so much as a by-your-leave. If you want to sync the changes you have to do it yourself and I like that.

Christopher KleinChristopher Klein

There is one tool with source code available at

That should give flexibility as code is available.

Milind ThakkarMilind Thakkar

dbghost is the best i have used to date. one of the best features i have seen is that it will generate SQL code to go between versions of a database based on the SQL you keep in source control, as well as a database. simple and easy to use.


I've used SQL Delta before (, it's really good. Not free however, not sure how prices compare to Red-Gates


Try DBComparer, it's free and fast:


Database Workbench can made it too

Cross database development

Use the Schema Compare and Migration Tools to compare testing and deployed databases, migrate existing databases to different database systems.

you can also made it with database Comparer

I use it for Firebird and it works well.

Hugues Van LandeghemHugues Van Landeghem

Try dbForge Data Compare for SQL Server. It can compare and sync any databases, even very large ones. Quick, easy, always delivers a correct result.Try it on your database and comment upon the product.

We can recommend you a reliable SQL comparison tool that offer 3 time’s faster comparison and synchronization of table data in your SQL Server databases. It's dbForge Data Compare for SQL Server and dbForge Schema Compare for SQL Server

Main advantages:

  • Speedier comparison and synchronization of large databases
  • Support of native SQL Server backups
  • Custom mapping of tables, columns, and schemas
  • Multiple options to tune your comparison and synchronization
  • Generating comparison and synchronization reports

Plus free 30-day trial and risk-free purchase with 30-day money back guarantee.


We are using an inhouse developed solution that is basicly a procedure with arguments of what you want included in the comparision (SP's, Full SP code, table structure, defaults, indices, triggers. etc)

Depending on your needs and budget, it might be a good way to go for you as well.

It is quite easily developed as well, then we just redirect output of procedure to textfiles and do text comparisions between the files. Autocad 2013 activation code generator online.

One good thing about it is that its possible to save the output in source control.



I've used Red Gate's tools and they are superb.However, if you can't spend any money you could try Open DBDiff to compare schemas.

Santiago CepasSantiago Cepas

I would definitely go with AdeptSQL if you're using MSSQL. It's the least good looking but the most talented db compare tool amongst the ones I've tried. It can compare both the structure and the data. It tells you which tables exist on one db but does not exist on the other, compares the structure and data of the common ones and it can produce the script to synchronize the two. It's not free but has a 30 day trial (as far as I can remember)


I tried OpenDiff Tool . Great tool that is free and easy to use .

Senthil Kumar BSenthil Kumar B

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