Creada Para Ser Su Ayuda Idonea Debi Pearl Pdf

Creada Para Ser Su Ayuda Idonea Debi Pearl Pdf Average ratng: 3,8/5 80 reviews
Somewhere over the passing years and changing culture, women have lost their way. This book is written to lead them back home. Regardless of how you began your marriage or how dark and lonely the path that has brought you to where you are now, I want you to know that it is possible today to have a marriage so good and so fulfilling that it can only be explained as a miracle.Follow Debi Pearl as she takes the wisdom and experience of her own marriage and confirms it with the wisdom of scripture and learn how to be the help meet that God created you to be. You will learn to appreciate God's gift of a husband with a thankful heart that produces joy and wisdom in you and your home. Gain a better understanding of who your husband is and how your response to him can make or break your marriage. See the Bible's perspective of obedience and authority and understand how you are joint heirs to the promises of God.The miracle of a wonderful marriage is like the miracle of birth, God allows you to be an essential contributor to the miracle. Read, enjoy and be blessed as over 330,000 other women already have.
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Preview — Creada Para Ser Su Ayuda Idonea by Debi Pearl

Somewhere over the passing years and changing culture, women have lost their way. This book is written to lead them back home. Regardless of how you began your marriage or how dark and lonely the path that has brought you to where you are now, I want you to know that it is possible today to have a marriage so good and so fulfilling that it can only be explained as a miracl..more
Published October 5th 2010 by No Greater Joy Ministries (first published January 1st 2004)
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Mar 09, 2009Melissa rated it did not like it · review of another edition
When I started this book, I did so with a day time bible study group and an open mind. Truly there are some helpful nuggets in here, but they were almost completely lost on me because by the middle of the book I had had enough of her self-righteous and harsh criticisms. There was a great lack of love for women in general, her sisters, in this book. I am very hard to insult and my feelings don't get hurt easily, I am a lover of the truth and appreciate the need for the truth to be told, and somet..more
Jul 08, 2011Becca rated it did not like it · review of another edition
I do NOT recommend this book. I began the book in anticipation, having heard good things about it from two friends whose opinions I trust. I am very conservative, and I do not disagree with Mrs. Pearl's admonitions to respect and submit to your husband, but much of this book sets my teeth on edge.
My grievances with this book are Mrs. Pearl's consistent hubris and unscriptural assertions. In Mrs. Pearl's opinion, women are at fault for men's sins, from Adam to David (see chapter 11). In contrast
Sep 19, 2012Anna rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Recommended to Anna by: My mom
I would give this zero stars if I could. Read six years ago, but I recall pretty vividly - it's a load of misogynistic bullshit.
The basic premise of the book is that a woman's sole purpose in life is to be supportive of her husband. Failing to procreate is sinful, working outside the home, sending your children (you do have more than one, right?) to school instead of homeschooling, missing church, having friends who do not attend your church, wearing your hair short, and questioning your husban
Oct 23, 2012Lynn Joshua rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Graceless and mean-spirited, Debi forces on Christian women a legalistic yoke that ignores the whole counsel of the Bible.
Instead of showing the fruit of the Spirit, she shows a harsh and critical spirit, she misuses Scripture, and she utterly misses the grace of the gospel. Her ideas are dangerous because she takes some true concepts, mixes them with lies, and calls her way 'biblical', so her readers believe that it is found in Scripture and if not followed, will cause them to sin. This is spi
Sep 25, 2007Jennifer rated it really liked it · review of another edition
I have almost finished with this book. This book is obviously is very conservitive and will probably offend a lot of women. The author didn't write the book to gain approval (through her comments and tone) but to relay truth and experience she has found in scripture and in marriage. I would recommend this book as required reading for every married woman- even if she chucks it across the room because it doesn't fit in with her own feministic ideals.
Personally, this book has boosted my marriage to
Mar 05, 2009Grace rated it did not like it · review of another edition
As a friend of mine said after reading this book, it would be more aptly titled, 'Created to Be His Doormat.'
The irony is that if you dare to critique this book in the presence of its ardent admirers, you will be told that if you have a problem with its message, then YOU are the one with the problem.
The following is one of the more memorable of Debi Pearl's many appalling stories told in the book:
'As a general rule, my husband just doesn't take the trash out.. One day recently my husband saw
Sep 28, 2011Jane Baldwin rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Shelves: christian
Among the many hideous perversions of scripture that this book contains is the assertion that the only purpose for a woman is to serve a husband. I believe the reason God made me was so that I could have a personal relationship with Him. There's nothing in the Bible that tells me that I'm a failure if I haven't married yet.
Feb 19, 2008Paula rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Recommends it for: all women who are about to marry or who are currently married
What I liked most about this book was that it opened my eyes that there was more to my part of the marriage than just submission. Being a submissive wife is only one part of the WHOLE of being a help meet to my husband.
There are a lot of really good helpful bits of advice in the book that one really needs to be open to, and prayerful about, in order to benefit from it. Whenever you trust God and allow HIM to change your husband, instead of trying to do it yourself, God will change your husband.
Jun 29, 2008BL rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
After a lifetime of disappointment and failures in relationships with men, I was convicted to look at myself and see what God wants me to change. It took me a while to get the courage to read this book, however I was determined to make a change to save my marriage. I knew the problem had to do with me stepping into the man's role when I thought he was failing and then being proud about it.
What I learned from this book is that it all boils down to simple obedience to God. You can nitpick Debi Pe
Apr 22, 2009Dana rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Recommended to Dana by: someone who needed it more than me
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Oct 14, 2010Malia rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Having had this book recommended to me, I dove in expecting to be challenged and blessed. While it does contain some excellent principles, I found it to also twist Biblical examples to meet her strict standards. Other reviewers concur that readers need to take in this book 'with discernment,' and I have a problem with that--as it is meant to instruct women to be godly wives according to the Bible. It is dangerous to give a to-do list that is skewed with opinion and false interpretation of Script..more
Feb 28, 2013Renee added it · review of another edition
Shelves: unintentionally-funny, preachy, warning-douche-bag, bad-parents
Grrrrrr. grrr....
If you want to even CONSIDER reading this book please follow this blog first and see what kind of twisted BS this author puts in her shit.
Apparently I should have stayed with my abusive ex husband because now I am nothing but an unhappy ragged looking poor single mom who will eventually become a lesbian and my children will hate me..Oh and no man will want to be a step father to my unruly brats..unless of course he is a pervert.
I can
Dec 21, 2007Leighann rated it liked it · review of another edition
I feel Ms. Pearl has great insight into what is lacking in today's marriages. Many 'healthy' Christian women have been taught a co-submission doctrine. The problem with co-submission, is it is inconsistent with the analogy scripture sets up of marriage being a picture of Christ and the church. Christ is not co-submissive to us. Additionally, many Christian women interpret co-submission to mean that when in disagreement, they have a right to not 'give in' to their husband's thought process 'becau..more
Jan 14, 2013Faye rated it it was ok · review of another edition
Well, I can see why some people would be offended but certain elements of this book, because it is tough. But the main things I had a problem with was how judgemental Ms. Pearl came off as, sometimes just going off of a single public gesture without knowing the whole story, when I think she could have found a better illustration and spoke the truth in love. Additionally, her advice ranged from good, to very impractical and possibly dangerous! And while it might work for some people, I would use..more
Nov 19, 2008stacy rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Back in November or December or whenever I tagged this book to read:
I'm putting this on my to-read list because I scoffed at it. I scoffed at online dating, too..I scoffed at David Foster Wallace..I scoffed at The Elliptical Machine..
Then I married the one the other..and actually get a workout.
I've come to realize that my biggest scoffs turn out to say more about me than the object of my derision.
I'll let you know what this one turns up.
Some dude who was quite likable a
Nov 23, 2011Cyndi Taylor rated it did not like it · review of another edition
I will not be finishing this book. Anyone who knows me, knows I hate not finishing books. So this is saying something. I felt that the author demonized woman. Making everything bad that happens in a marriage their fault.
Then, on top of that says that the life of a single mom is full of despair and your kids will dispise you and not know you. Others will have to raise them and you will be destitute and never have anyone there for companionship, to fix things, or to help you in any way. I have
Feb 28, 2011Sandra Lassiter rated it did not like it · review of another edition
I gave this 1 star because even though there's a lot of good stuff in there, there's also some 'poison' mixed in. Would NOT recommend to young brides unless they were thoroughly grounded in the Bible and able to discern good and the bad in this book.
Aug 19, 2012Kris Irvin rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Eta: I did end up finishing this book. It was so bad I couldn't put it down. I think the thing that bothered me most in the end was how horribly judgmental and downright nasty Ms. Pearl ended up being. A direct quote:
'..that is what you did with the rejection of his choice of stove. It is no wonder that you are frustrated and 'just plain tired.' I'm plain tired of thinking of the damage you have done and what you have been missing. Your husband is probably tired too: tired of this marriage.'
Oct 28, 2011Nina rated it really liked it · review of another edition
I started reading this book to see why people were so divided in their opinions of the book, either totally loving the it or vehemently hating it. I went in really open, not expecting to either hate it or love it myself, but just to take what I could from it and leave the rest. When read with this mentality I found that there were many things to take away and apply to my marriage and a few things to just leave to Ms. Pearl's marriage.
I really appreciated the emphasis on attitude, and how having
Apr 19, 2009Terra rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Recommended to Terra by: Mother-in-law
My MIL gave me this book and it fucked with my head. Okay the rest of that was harsh. So I deleted it.
I'll agree, there are some things in this book that you can take away with you. I've found that by trying to be happier and anticipate some of my husbands needs, our marriage is better. He is then happier and isn't as moody with me. Instead of getting naggy and spiteful, I just walk away and let him calm down. And he is more prone to seek me out and apologize to me for his attitude and actions.
Aug 27, 2010Libbydale rated it did not like it · review of another edition
I feel like throwing this book out the window. I was given this book to read, and I haven't finished it. I'm shelving it for a while. I did thumb through it for 3 nights until I found something I thought was particularly useful, which was Chapter 8: 'Wisdom to Understand Your Man', which highlights three types of male personalities. You definitely need to have a deep respect for the Bible and accept it as God's truth for your life before delving into this book. The author writes very authoratati..more
Apr 10, 2013Adam rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
My wife began reading this book several years ago. Due to the fact she was changing A-LOT and out of curiosity I decided to peek into this book myself. Through and Through Debi rightly teaches the spiritual position women need to take in life. Due to the Americanization of the modern church, things like 'submission' and 'serving' are frowned upon. Yet God commands women to submit to their husbands, not so that the Husband may live life his own way, but as God's chosen instrument, that he may lea..more
Jan 08, 2012Bethany rated it did not like it · review of another edition
This is a poorly written book by a well intentioned fundamentalist Christian. She admits that she is not a professional writer, but she at times says things that can be taken ways that I'm sure she didn't intend which is probably because she published her book through No Greater Joy, which is her and her husband's non-profit, without a good editor. Enough said about that.
Her aim for women to submit to their husbands cheerfully and be examples to younger women are scriptural, but she at times mis
Jan 08, 2015Ingrid rated it did not like it · review of another edition
So, I was in Israel and I did not have a bookshelf. However, I had friends. One friend in particular who meant very well and wanted to share a book that impacted her.
Sadly, what she meant for good, just made me sick.
This book could be called:
Created To Be A Victim
or Created To Be His Slave
or How to Create a World in Which Men Are the Only 'Adults.'
I know what Debi was trying to do. I understand her to some point, but that doesn't change the fact that she preaches some very dangerous doctrin
Nov 01, 2013Mariah rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
I absolutely LOVED this book! It is one of the BEST books I have ever read!
I love Debi Pearl, she is such a wise woman. I have read many articles by her, and have heard a variety of teachings from Debi. She is such an incredible lady. God has certainly blessed her with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
I had previously read her other book, 'Preparing to be A Help Meet,' but I enjoyed 'Created to be His Help Meet,' much more. This book is incredible and I highly recommend that every woman read
Apr 22, 2009Jacqueline rated it did not like it · review of another edition

The first time I read this book I was engaged and a little more open-minded to this view on marriage than I am now after 6 wonderful years with my husband. I won't rehash what has been said by so many other solid Christians in response to this book, but I'd highly recommend Tim Challies' review of it if you're looking for another perspective.
Basically, there IS truth in this book, but it doesn't outweigh the damaging advice, degradation of women, and harsh/hateful tone used by the author. I ho
Oct 10, 2010Kristie Kercheval rated it did not like it · review of another edition
I thought this books was just a little horrendous. The light and sweet Victorian-esque illustration on the front belies the course and almost laughable language within.
While I agree with the authors about Biblical submission and being a 'keeper of the home', I think there is much in this book that could become a yoke of slavery to young women eager live biblically. Sadly, there is not much about grace in this book or living in light of cross.
Jan 31, 2013Spider the Doof Warrior marked it as i-hate-this-book · review of another edition
Shelves: hell-to-the-no, ew, you-are-ruining-the-world, are-you-crazy
Why the HELL would you take marriage advice from this crazy harpy? It seems like a how to have a miserable marriage guide instead of something helpful and useful. The Pearls do more damage to families than a parade of gays all wearing large phalluses.
Sweet goddesss's lactating tits I'd rather swim in alligators or sharks covered in raw meat than marry a man who would want me to follow the advice in this book.
Jul 13, 2017Alicia Willis rated it did not like it · review of another edition
-5 stars. If I could rate it such here, I would.
There is nothing of Christ or Jesus in this dangerous work of legalism and abuse. I have too often seen the horrible effects of it and similar teachings on the lives of Christians. For more information and a thorough review from my husband and myself, navigate over to my blog.
Definitely not recommended.
Apr 07, 2014Sarah rated it did not like it · review of another edition
Shelves: the-fiery-hatred-of-a-thousand-suns, hurled-with-great-force
I think this is the worst non-fiction book i've ever read. Probably the worst book period, since i don't think i've ever read a fictional story that held up a woman returning to a husband who held a knife to her throat as a triumphant restoration of a marriage. Every time i look into this book -- i've never re-read it, we got rid of it years ago -- to make sure i'm not exaggerating its flaws, i am stunned to discover that my memories are kinder than it deserves. I will say that this book taught..more
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